Saturday 18 January 2020

9H-FAB E190 (AXY1801)-a17:42-n/s
9H-JLK FA7X (TEU11)-n/s-d16:32
9H-LGM E50P (LWG401/492)-a15:42-d16:56
9H-LZM G650-hangared bay 6
9H-VCB CL350 (VJT453)-a18:55-n/s
9H-VJU BD700-parked all day
A6-CPC E35L-parked all day (South Apron)
A7-MHH A319-n/s-d09:10
A9C-BAH G650-parked all day
A9C-BRN G550-parked all day
CN-KAS BD700-parked all day
CS-DFF F2THEX-parked all day (Hangar 4-6 Ramp)
CS-GLA BD700 (NJE401W/262F)-n/s-d08:27-a11:34-n/s
CS-GLH BD700 (NJE9MD)-a13:54-n/s
CS-LTI C68A (NJE804Y)-a14:00-n/s
CS-LTJ C68A (NJE3JF)-a11:28-n/s
CS-PHE E55P (NJE225T/4EB)-a11:01-d13:04
CS-PHG E55P-parked all day
CS-PHK E55P (NJE2CP)-a18:00-n/s
D-ADCE BD700-parked all day (Delta Ramp)
D-AHOI E35L (AHO637Q)-n/s-d18:20
D-ASAP E35L (AHO672B)-n/s-d09:14
D-CGAA C56X-parked all day
D-CHIC E55P (AHO229B/267P)-a12:59-d14:29-a17:57-n/s
D-CHRT E55P-a11:57-n/s
D-INOB C25A-a15:13-n/s
G-CEYL BD700-hangared bay 4 
G-CGSJ BD700 (GMA910)-a19:44-n/s
G-EGVO F9EX-parked all day
G-FRYL BE390-hangared bay 4
G-LFBD C25A (CLF905)-n/s-d10:31
G-RCFC H900 (VXS516)-n/s-d08:15
G-REYS CL604-hangared bay 2
G-SGSG BD700-hangared bay 2
G-SUGR E35L (EDC182)-a09:40-d10:27
G-STMT FA7X-parked all day (Tower 4-6 Ramp)
G-TLCL H25B-parked all day
G-XCSP H25B-parked all day (Tower 1-3 Ramp)
HB-JOE G550-hangared bay 5
HL8372 G650-hangared bay 6
HZ-ARK G550-parked all day
LX-PCA PC24-parked all day
LX-SEB C25B-parked all day
LX-ZED BD700 (SVW22ED)-n/s-d13:02
M-AERO F2THLX-n/s-d08:39-a16:59-n/s
M-AKAL CL604-parked all day
M-JCCA E35L-parked all day
M-LOOK CL604-hangared bay 2
M-ODEL G450-n/s-d12:14
M-SCMG FA7X-parked all day
M-USIC G550-n/s-d13:43
M-WONE G450-parked all day
N1956M GLF5-a14:38-n/s
N343AP FA7X-parked all day (Tower 4-6 Ramp)
N386RW G550-a08:10-n/s
N732PA CL605-parked all day (Tower 1-3 Ramp)
N77FK GLF4-hangared bay 2
N81118 BD700-parked all day
OE-FPP C510 (GAC043L)-a17:55-n/s
OE-HOP G200-parked all day
OK-EAS BE40 (TIE058Y)-n/s-d08:31
OK-GRX BD700-parked all day
OO-DFG F2THEX-n/s-d17:45
OY-LGI BD700-hangared bay 4
OY-VIZ BD700-hangared bay 4
P4-AVA BD700-hangared
PR-CGI G550-parked all day (South Apron)
SE-DJG E35L-hangared bay 5
SE-DJL FA7X-parked all day (Delta Ramp)
SE-RFH C680-parked all day
T7-AZH G450-parked all day
T7-ELL BD700-parked all day (Tower 4-6 Ramp)
T7-UMT CL605-parked all day (West 2 Apron)
T7-ZZZ G450-parked all day (South Apron)
VH-IQR BD700-parked all day (West 3 Apron)
VP-BGM CL605-n/s-d16:50
VP-BOK BD700-hangared bay 4
VP-CKA B738-parked all day


Main log produced using Graham Evans postings on

Logs posted by Andrew Harkin and John Leadbetter are used to cross Graham's reports to try to ensure accuracy and to add parking positions.

Grahams report is un-official and is produced on a best endeavours basis - use at your own discretion.

Not all arrivals and departures will be captured which means that the Night-stopping list may contain inaccuracies.

Movements with an asterisk are based on altitude alone and may be a mis-report.

Movements into other local airfields may show as Farnborough movements though where possible a comment will be added.

Graham's report produced using Planebase (

Finally - Not to be re-circulated on any group or Social Media platforms without my explicit permission.

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